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Understanding common conflicts

Because the influence of the GCF is so far-reaching in Meridian Enterprise, integrating the GCF with an existing vault configuration will likely result in conflicts.

The most likely places for conflicts between the GCF and other customization are:

The reason for this is because these operations are also performed by the GCF. For example, when a remote site starts a workflow, the GCF will initiate a Quick Change for a document when it receives an update for that document. The Quick Change will be put on the to-do list of a pseudo user with the same name as the remote vault so that it is apparent where the change is being made. Another example is when a Quick Change is submitted to update a document in the correct context in the local vault when it receives an update from the remote vault where the document was assigned to and released from a work area. In both of these cases, extra logic in the local vault is not necessary; all relevant updates on property values will be received from the remote vault.

The full list of events affected by the GCF can be found in Suppressing custom code during GCF operations.

If you implement a solution based on Integrating custom GCF script with GCF 2012, you must also call the relevant GCF event handler from the regular event handler. For example, when the vault configuration contains logic to handle import from and export to briefcases that are created manually, it is usually desirable to isolate this from the GCF logic. The easiest way to do this is to check the GCF global variable bIsGCF as in the following example:

Sub BrcEvent_BeforeInclude (Batch, Briefcase, CheckOut)
    GCFBrc_BeforeInclude Batch, Briefcase, CheckOut
     If Not bIsGCF Then
        'Code for manual briefcases
    End If
End Sub

Note    You need to call GCFBrc_BeforeInclude as the first statement in the event handler. GCFBrc_BeforeInclude will check internally if a GCF transfer is being executed and take no action if not. GCFBrc_BeforeInclude should be called first because it contains the code to set bIsGCF and the other GCF-related global variables.

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Configuring with VBScript

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